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30 Leftover Ham Recipes

If you make a spiral ham for your holiday feast or special occasion, you’re almost guaranteed to have leftovers. And if you’re anything like me, you are looking forward to all the different ways you can eat those leftovers before you’ve even put your fork down. Luckily, I have some of the best leftover ham recipes lined up for you.

Best Leftover Ham Recipes

The nice thing about a spiral ham is that it’s really easy to break down and store for later There’s no carcass to deal with or tiny bones to search for. With a spiral ham, you can easily pull all the large remaining slices off with your fingers and place them into a storage container. Once the easy stuff has been removed, you can slice the rest off of the bone. Don’t throw that bone away! Make a big batch of ham and beans or split pea soup!

Of course the easiest thing to do with leftover ham is to make it into a sandwich, but we can get more creative than that, right? Here are some of the best leftover ham recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Leftover Ham Recipes

Get creative and use your leftover ham to make some of these delicious recipes!

Check out these Ham Recipes Too!

Heidi Deal
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