What are Miracle Noodles and why should you give them a shot? Read my unbiased review and get a great sauce recipe to go with them!
Miracle Noodles have always intrigued me. I love pasta and really enjoy making quick asian sauces to toss with pasta so Miracle Noodles have been something I’ve really wanted to try. Similar in texture to rice noodles, these were definitely worth trying and keeping on hand for a healthy snack or dinner.
I first read this from the Miracle Noodle website:
About Shirataki Noodles
Miracle Noodles are Shirataki noodles which are made from the Japanese Konjac plant (grain free). Shirataki noodles are naturally fat-free and also don’t naturally contain any calories because the glucomannan starch they’re made of is an indigestible dietary fiber. They also contains no carbohydrates.
Shirataki noodles are also known as miracle noodles or zero calorie noodles which is where the brand name Miracle Noodles comes from.
Why Are Miracle Noodles So Healthy?
The answer to this questions lies in understanding the role of fiber in our diets. Our noodle is made mainly of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber acts to slow digestion. By doing this, it allows for the slower absorption of glucose and is the reason behind its beneficial effects in diabetes.
The soluble fiber found in Miracle Noodles slows digestion and prolongs the sensation of fullness and is an essential part of any weight loss program. You also absorb more nutrients in the foods you eat with Miracle Noodles due to the slowing of digestion.
Miracle Noodles are approved for these special diets: Keto, Paleo, Certified Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Soy-Free, Certified Vegan, Certified Kosher, and Blood Sugar-Friendly.
So I decided it was time to order me up some Miracle Noodles and give them a try myself. The first thing I noticed was that the noodles are packaged in water. I picked up the paper that came with them which cautioned me not to be alarmed if the noodles smell fishy. Or rather, if the water they’re packaged in smells fishy. Okay, I can handle that, especially since they assured me the noodles do not taste that way. Okay, good. Moving on to the “cooking” directions…rinse under very warm water for five minutes, toss with pasta sauce and serve. Wow. Really? Rinse, toss and serve? Okay, still with you, Miracle Noodles, in fact I really like the ease of preparation.
I tossed my noodles with a quick asian sauce that I use for my Crispy Asian Chicken Drumsticks Recipe. I just tossed the miracle noodles with some of the extra sauce and it went really well with the chicken. In the photo above, I’d made a quick tomato and garlic sauce to serve over them; I wanted to see how they’d compare to an Italian spaghetti-type pasta. That I don’t recommend as they’re just too different and you need a strong-flavored sauce that will coat the noodles and allow the flavors to soak in. So I do recommend these Miracle Noodles as long as you use them properly. You can pick some up here or check your local Asian market!
Kristy Bernardo is the recipe creator behind The Wicked Noodle. She's a five-time cookbook author, has taught cooking classes to both kids and adults, and has been creating recipes for nationwide brands since 2009. She learned most of her cooking skills from her mom and grandmother, then honed those skills at boot camp at the Culinary Institute of America.
I ordered some from Miracle Noodle. They arrived on a hot day and sat in my mailbox for about 6 hours. The Noodle bags were all swelled up, which to me indicated gas from decay or deterioration. I am trying to return them and am having a difficult time with them.
Monday 25th of December 2023
@John Kiernan, I just dumped mine that were delivered into a colander to drain and nothing was in there but the water! Did you ever get a refund as I am not sure if they want me to return the empty bag or what.
Michelle J Williams
Monday 28th of June 2021
I use them all the time in my stir fry vegetables with Gen. Tao sauce. Add any meat as a side. Yum.
Friday 22nd of January 2021
I guess you can call anything that is long and thin a noodle. But this mess is in a class of it's self. I've eaten many cuisines - but these noodles are the worst. The texture is terrible. It was a 6 pack from Costco. Never before have I thrown out a box of food. If you like to chew on rubber balloons / rubbery calamari then this may be for you.
Jarry Maria
Tuesday 20th of September 2016
Highly recommended!!
Saturday 1st of August 2015
I use Miracle Noodles every day....on a low protein diet due to kidney issues.
Out of the package and rinsed, I don't use towels to squeeze...I either boil them as per the instructions and then do a quick stir in a skillet...or, I drain well and microwave briefly...When I do that, I prep the sauce first, getting it heated, dry out the noodles, then toss in the sauce and zap for about 30 seconds more.
Either way, so fast and WONDERFUL!@!!@!!!
I save money by having automatic ordering...get my month's supply on schedule and I'm good to go...
John Kiernan
Monday 2nd of May 2022
I ordered some from Miracle Noodle. They arrived on a hot day and sat in my mailbox for about 6 hours. The Noodle bags were all swelled up, which to me indicated gas from decay or deterioration. I am trying to return them and am having a difficult time with them.
Monday 25th of December 2023
@John Kiernan, I just dumped mine that were delivered into a colander to drain and nothing was in there but the water! Did you ever get a refund as I am not sure if they want me to return the empty bag or what.
Michelle J Williams
Monday 28th of June 2021
I use them all the time in my stir fry vegetables with Gen. Tao sauce. Add any meat as a side. Yum.
Friday 22nd of January 2021
I guess you can call anything that is long and thin a noodle. But this mess is in a class of it's self. I've eaten many cuisines - but these noodles are the worst. The texture is terrible. It was a 6 pack from Costco. Never before have I thrown out a box of food. If you like to chew on rubber balloons / rubbery calamari then this may be for you.
Jarry Maria
Tuesday 20th of September 2016
Highly recommended!!
Saturday 1st of August 2015
I use Miracle Noodles every day....on a low protein diet due to kidney issues.
Out of the package and rinsed, I don't use towels to squeeze...I either boil them as per the instructions and then do a quick stir in a skillet...or, I drain well and microwave briefly...When I do that, I prep the sauce first, getting it heated, dry out the noodles, then toss in the sauce and zap for about 30 seconds more.
Either way, so fast and WONDERFUL!@!!@!!!
I save money by having automatic ordering...get my month's supply on schedule and I'm good to go...